Tuesday, July 19, 2005

2 and 0

When does saliva become spit ?
Is it when the thought occurs ?
after eating something that thickens it to where you have to expectorate?

okay, so I took the boys to the ballpark to go hang out with their friends. I stopped at the library to pick up the Da Vinci Code. It came out during my catechism classes and Father asked us not to read it. Against my grain, but I acquiesed. I was learning something and didn't want to deviate from my plan. Now as a full-fledged catholic (ask me how long it's been since I've been to Mass ?), I can now go with my gut and see what all the fuss was about. So far, it doesn't seem any different than other books I've read. We'll see.


So, I took the book and sat down under the roofed picnic area, after I checked in with the boys. That's when I noticed a couple of things that may help me figure out why no one is interested. One- My choice of space. Instead of joining the rest of the world on the bleachers, I settle down apart from them with a book. Two - ( and this isn't the first time I've noticed this) I sit close to trash cans. Whenever I've been out and about in the open, at an open air restaurant, a baseball park, a nature preserve...somehow or another, I end up sitting next to trash cans. Not so close that I can smell the shit, but close enough. Why in the hell do I do that ?


I was late to work today. My alarm may or may not have gone off this morning. I do not recall. What I do recall is waking up, glancing at the clock, which read 6:45 and thinking, "Is it Sunday already ?" Yeah, it took me a minute to realize it was Tuesday (my favorite day, by the by).

To make matters worse, when I get to the small town where the highway I get on intersects, there sits a train on the track stuck with traffic in this one stoplight town backed up past that light and wrapping around to the other end of town. I didn't freak when I woke up late and I wasn't freaking then, I took it in stride and decided to take another route. I used to visit the city I work in intermittently in the past to visit with friends. More often than not, I would get lost without specific detailed directions and this other route was the one I took home. I knew that if I hopped on this road I would eventually find my way home. Imagine my chagrin (naw, you don't have to, it's right here), when I got close enough to the city, but couldn't figure out how to get to it. I could see it, but couldn't reach it. Once I figured out I had to get on an intersecting highway, I thought I was good, I was right there, maybe five blocks from the building I work and yes, I went on 3, 3! different exits before I managed to get downtown. It's not over yet. No, torture was my playmate this morning. 'Course by then, one coffee and one soda pop down, I was wishing I was a fella with a travel urinal. Anyway, I'm downtown thinking, "Okay, I can go around this way and get to the parking garage." LOL. Uh huh. So I headed down a one way street with oncoming traffic in the middle of a decent size metropolis. yeah, that's me, the dumbass. I suppose this could be added to my collection of reasons why men don't approach me.


I cried like a baby for a moment when I got to work. Did I mention I forgot to put my regular shoes on and went into work with my flip-flops on ?

I cut out of work 10 minutes early. My day ended soon enough for me. Let's hope I get up tomorrow morning.


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